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Project Type: Communication
Category: Branding
Client: BMW MINI
Location: Nang Gang Exhibition Hall
Year: 2016


MINI: The Next 100 Years

The BMW Group is playing a crucial part in shaping the mobility of the future – and constantly reinventing itself in the process. Its evolution from aircraft-engine manufacturer to premium mobility service provider is quite unique. Discover 100 masterpieces from the BMW Group's first hundred years through selected exhibits at the BMW Museum. All are part of our successful history and motivate us to keep driving forward.

Making Of

為了使過去百年來巨量的資料以簡潔方式呈現,因此在擬定方案過程中,我們將操作模式大為簡化,獨留「過去」、「現在」、「未來」三大主線,並將次要的資訊留在子資料夾之中,透過乾淨的層級設計以動態引導參觀者閱讀 MINI 的史料。為求在展覽現場人山人海的情況下也能互動良好,我們將互動操作區域安排在最貼近觀眾的位置,讓觀眾以極簡便的方式操作使用,透過簡潔的物理流動,操作者在觸碰面板上得以隨意滑動,並在如大海般的照片群中輕鬆切換與悠遊。


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